At Acts of Love, we know you want friendships with those in your family of faith.
To do that, you need to be able to discover who these people are and build relationships with them.
The problem is you’re really busy and overwhelmed with options, finding these people or ways to connect with them is really hard.
Which leaves you feeling isolated or like an outsider and not as involved as you and your family could be in the community.
We believe people should look at a parish community and feel welcome and at home.
And we understand that it's intimidating to walk up to someone you don't know and difficult to find ways to connect with familiar faces from Mass.
That's why we created a community platform so you can connect with people you share your faith with and experience authentic community.
The problem is you’re really busy and overwhelmed with options, finding these people or ways to connect with them is really hard.
Here’s how we do it:
1. Download the Acts of Love Mobile App - By scanning a QR code in your flock notes or on the website at
2. Register – Create an account with your cell phone number. (If you had an account on the previous web version, simply enter your cell phone number to log in again)
3. Get Approved - An admin will review your account to verify your registration information.
4. Connect! - You'll be notified that your account was approved, and you can start connecting with your community!
Join us today by downloading the app below!
So you can stop limiting your interactions to stale, surface-level conversations and instead discover and build relationships with those who share your faith!
"I always believed that God was forming me for something big later in my life that I could only accomplish after I had developed all the right attributes and capabilities. During the darkest stages of the Covid Pandemic, I felt a call to do something for my parish that could connect those in need with those that had a surplus to give. I knew that reaching those that are normally too proud to ask for help would be especially challenging so I needed to make sharing items and services a common everyday occurrence.
Initially, I started down the path of creating a private version of something like Craig’s List, but before I completed this task the pandemic dissipated. My focus shifted toward finding a way to promote building personal relationships and creating a greater sense of belonging. I now believe these are key characteristics for building a thriving parish that is positioned to grow because it is welcoming to outsiders. In my research, I discovered that feeling disconnected is a common problem, regardless of denomination. With the increasing prominence of social media, all faith communities have struggled over the last decade to find a sustainable recipe for success. Enormous amounts of human and monetary resources have been expended in search of a solution. I kept asking myself why the Holy Spirit is calling me to work on this problem, as surely there are others who are far more capable than I. A year ago, I realized the only pathway I had for my spiritual peace was to put forth my best effort in continuing my search for a sustainable solution.
A key component of the solution that I have created, thus far, is centered on a downloadable phone app that I have named Acts of Love. The app creates opportunities for conversation amongst parishioners outside of Mass attendance. A conversation is necessary to build a friendship and a friendship is a crucial requirement for trust. Without trust, it is difficult to foster discipleship and evangelization. The app accomplishes this task by providing a private and secure communication platform built specifically for our parish community, using only the positive aspects of social media and not the negative. It is a one-stop location for being informed and increasing awareness of everything that is occurring in the parish community.
During the creation and development process of Acts of Love, I have realized that it is more than just a phone app. It is so much more - a Ministry that will need leadership and volunteers to succeed. Unlike social media, Acts of Love cares about the safety and well-being of its users and values making the most of their valuable time."